Project launched to promote creativity and collaboration among students

Non-profit organizations, SOHO Impact and GerHub unveiled mosaic projects at two public schools in Ulaanbaatar.
Non-profit organizations, SOHO Impact and GerHub unveiled mosaic projects at two public schools in Ulaanbaatar. The projects are part of the Education for Innovation Program (EIP) that involves students from first to twelfth grade at each school. The aim of the mosaic wall is to promote creativity and collaboration among students and inspiring them to transform their communities and neighborhood. The construction of the mosaic wall, with a height of 2mand a length of 10m, involved around 60-100 teams of ten students each, assembling panels to be incorporated into the outside walls. The mosaic designs were based on essays and drawing submissions during school-wide challenges in March of this year. The school staff and students believe the mosaic will not only inspire students, but also the ger area communities around the schools to become a creative landmark in their neighborhood.
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