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Broadcast 06-05-2024

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UNDP supports Mongolia’s 2030 Sustainable Development Vision

Odonchimeg 2016-04-18 10:04

UNDP is setting up a broad programmatic platform for the SDGs which supports SDG mainstreaming into Mongolia’s national and local plans, policies and budgets and facilitates measures for acceleration and their subsequent monitoring.

UNDP is setting up a broad programmatic platform for the SDGs which supports SDG mainstreaming into Mongolia’s national and local plans, policies and budgets and facilitates measures for acceleration and their subsequent monitoring. UNDP officials held a discussion in Ulaanbaatar to have included the proposals of the Mongolian government in the project. Introducing the Mongolia support project, Michaela Prokop, Program Advisor, Sustainable Development Goals at UNDP told that the initial phase would be focused on making surveys on development of an integrated financing assessment of Mongolia’s Development Vision and introduce a screening tool for review and alignment of policies and sectoral plans with the Vision and the SDGs. Local pilot initiatives would be implemented and the experiences would be translated into country-wide systematic solutions underpinned by relevant policies and budget allocations. In the final phase of the project more attention would be given to implementation of the local policy documents, development of short- and long-term policy documents, conduction of policy-based researches and strengthening of parliamentary monitoring of policy implementation. 

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