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Broadcast 02-05-2024

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Dinosaur fossil remains returned to Mongolia

Odonchimeg 2016-04-25 09:04

Dinosaur fossil remains are returned to Mongolia.

Dinosaur fossil remains are returned to Mongolia. The fossil remains of three baby dinosaurs which had been smuggled out of Mongolia have been returned home. Although small, the three small Saurolohus, belonged to a type of giant herbivore, which lived 70 million years in the Late Cretaceous - the last age of the dinosaurs. The Sauolophus returned to Mongolia under a co-operation agreement between the Mongolian Ministry of Education Culture and Science, the Belgian Scientific Policy Authority and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Science, which covers Mongolian geological, paleontological and biological items of value which had been illegally smuggled abroad. The remains of the Late Cretaceous dinosaurs will soon be on display at the Central Dinosaur Museum. During April, the US authorities returned a number valuable dinosaur remains back to Mongolia, including a nest of Protoceratops eggs, a rare skull of a Alioramus and an almost complete Bactrosaurus skeleton. Over the last three years 23 dinosaur remains have been returned from the USA.

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