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Broadcast 01-05-2024

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Anti-corruption position statement released

Odonchimeg 2017-01-12 10:01

The Business Council of Mongolia expressed their stance on corruption and called on the government and businesses to implement certain measures to combat corruption.

Anti-corruption position statement released. The Business Council of Mongolia expressed their stance on corruption and called on the government and businesses to implement certain measures to combat corruption. BCM sees the public and private sectors as part of the corruption equation and believes that both must do their part in combating corruption. They highlighted the efforts and the actions they have undertaken, saying, “The Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) has established the Business Ethics Working Group to help members enhance internal controls, promote best practices and responsible business conduct, advocate for transparency, and to enable a healthier business environment through capacity-building activities, peer-learning sessions, and collective action.” BCM acknowledges that the newly passed National Anti-Corruption Strategy can offer positive new reforms to lower corruption. They are calling on the government to take further action and proposed directions and specific points. The BCM also called on private businesses to do their part in helping to fight corruption. Stating, “More and more national as well as international companies in Mongolia implement corruption risk management systems and strive to operate with integrity. However, the private sector has more to do, and our business leaders must strongly encourage and materially support others’ commitment to fight corruption.”  

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