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Broadcast 08-05-2024

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Politicians from 34 countries gather in Ulaanbaatar to attend Progressive Alliance Conference

Oyundelger 2017-05-26 06:05

Progressive Alliance Conference on ‘Social Justice and Sustainability for a Fair and Prosperous World’ is taking place in Ulaanbaatar.

Politicians from 34 countries gather in Ulaanbaatar to attend Progressive Alliance Conference. Progressive Alliance Conference on ‘Social Justice and Sustainability for a Fair and Prosperous World’ is taking place in Ulaanbaatar. The conference is being hosted by the Mongolian People`s Party and gathered members of parliament, leaders of political parties and senior staffs from 34 countries of five continents including UK, Austria, Sweden, Portugal, Georgia, Germany, Belgium, Malaysia, Morocco, Sudan, India, Israel and Palestine. The conference focuses on the issue of social justice and sustainability. Innovations are among the key driving forces to achieve a sustainable economy and social justice in society. The aim is to create a living environment that offers all people the best opportunities for development and helps to overcome poverty and social exclusion.

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