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Broadcast 08-05-2024

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These days celebrate 25th anniversary of State Great Khural or Parliament of Mongolia

Oyundelger 2017-07-21 02:07

On July 20, 1992, the State Great Khural officially started operating as a permanent legislature of Mongolia.

These days celebrate the 25th anniversary of the State Great Khural or Parliament of Mongolia. On July 20, 1992, the State Great Khural officially started operating as a permanent legislature of Mongolia. In July 1990, Mongolians elected their first free and democratic legislature called the People's Great Khural, which later legalised formation of the People’s Little Khural. During the fifth session in 1992, the People’s Little Khural passed a dozen laws on the parliamentary election and a law on the State Great Khural and ended the functions of the People’s Little Khural. So, the first parliamentary elections were carried out on June 28. On July 20th 25 years ago, the Parliament passed the law on an authorization of full powers of members of the parliament and 76 parliamentarians took oaths.

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