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Broadcast 30-04-2024

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Mongolia-US-Japan joint statement released

Oyundelger 2017-09-05 07:09

Mongolia-US-Japan joint statement released.

Mongolia-US-Japan joint statement released. Mongolia, the United States and Japan released a joint statement after holding a trilateral meeting in Ulaanbaatar. The three countries expressed their grave concern over the regional and global threat posed by North Korea’s continued development of nuclear and ballistic missile technology, especially in the light of the August 29 ballistic missile launch over Japan. Japan and the United States expressed their great appreciation for Mongolia’s contributions to UN peacekeeping operations and continued stability operations in conflict zones worldwide. The parties considered mutually beneficial economic development which remains a key theme in the trilateral relationship. They discussed opportunities to increase trade and make Mongolia’s business and investment climate increasingly attractive to Japanese and U.S. firms, particularly through improved transparency and predictability. In order to enhance foreign investors’ trust and reinvigorate the Mongolian economy, Japan and the United States expressed their hope Mongolia would fully implement its arrangement with the IMF. Japan and the United States noted Mongolia’s natural competitive advantage in the agricultural sector and welcomed exploring opportunities to work with Mongolia to achieve its renewable energy goals.

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