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Broadcast 03,04-05-2024

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Foreign Minister attends WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires

Oyundelger 2017-12-15 03:12

D.Tsogtbaatar participated in the High-level Meeting of Ministers of Trade of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), where he expressed Mongolia’s position.

In the margins of 11th WTO Ministerial Conference, D.Tsogtbaatar participated in the High-level Meeting of Ministers of Trade of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), where he expressed Mongolia’s position. “Similarly to other landlocked countries, Mongolia is too much dependent on high trade costs and exports of raw materials. WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement is vital to overcome this challenge,” he stressed. The Foreign Minister also said that China’s initiative ‘One Belt-One Road’ is significant to improve its bordering LLDCs’ infrastructure of transportation and logistics and enhance of transit capacity. He also stated that International Think Tank for LLDCs, centered in Ulaanbaatar, came into force as ten LLDCs ratified the Multilateral Agreement on the establishment of the International Think Tank for LLDCs in October this year. During the conference, D.Tsogtbaatar met Chinese Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan, Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Edgars Rinkevics, and Executive director of International Trade Center Arancha Gonzales to share views on expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

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