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Broadcast 07-05-2024

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Mongolia and EU cooperate on criminal justice reform

Oyundelger 2018-01-17 07:01

The Government of Mongolia and the European Union jointly hosted a national conference on the implementation of human rights in the country’s criminal justice system.

Mongolia and EU cooperate on criminal justice reform. The Government of Mongolia and the European Union jointly hosted a national conference on the implementation of human rights in the country’s criminal justice system. Strengthening the rule of law in Mongolia is one of the priorities of the newly established European Union Delegation under the 2016-2020 EU Human Rights and Democracy Country Strategy for Mongolia. In this context, the EU and its Mongolian partners selected the implementation of the recently adopted criminal code and criminal procedure code in line with human rights standards as an area for further EU cooperation and support. While the entry into force of the criminal and criminal procedure code in July 2017 provides a window of opportunity to protect human rights and strengthen the rule of law, many challenges remain for its implementation. “This conference presents an excellent opportunity to accelerate criminal justice reform through an open debate not only on legislative amendments, but also on the wider policy environment in which these changes need to be implemented," remarked the European Union delegates. Mongolia’s law on criminal code was amended in May 2017.    

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