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Broadcast 03,04-05-2024

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Mongolia and United Kingdom mark 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Oyundelger 2018-01-25 08:01

In 1963 Britain became the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with Mongolia.

In 1963 Britain became the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with Mongolia. Nowadays, the relations focus on education, the environment, democracy and Mongolia’s economic development. In details, the two countries work from peacekeeping to public health, from democracy & human rights to green development, from strengthening the economy to countering climate change and the illegal wildlife trade. The countries celebrated the 55th anniversary of UK-Mongolia diplomatic relations with a prestigious event at the historic State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet commemorating the long-standing friendship between the two countries. As a symbol of diplomatic relations between our two democracies the British Embassy has also commissioned an ice sculpture by Ts. Batmunkh of the British Houses of Parliament and The Beatles on Sukhbaatar Square.

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