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Broadcast 03,04-05-2024

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Mongolian Mountaineers climb Aconcagua

Oyundelger 2018-01-26 11:01

Led by State Merited Athlete Usukhbayar.G, five Mongolian Mountaineers departed Ulaanbaatar last Thursday to climb Aconcagua Mountain located in the Andes mountain range in Argentine.

Led by State Merited Athlete Usukhbayar.G, five Mongolian Mountaineers departed Ulaanbaatar last Thursday to climb Aconcagua Mountain (6960 meters) located in the Andes mountain range in Argentine, the highest peak in South America. According to Mr Usukhbayar, the climb is a preparation for climbing K2 Mountain, the second highest mount in the world at 8,611 meters above sea level which is located on the China–Pakistan border between Baltistan as he did the previous year. The climbing is expected to take three weeks this time. He climbed Aconcagua on February 10, 2017. However, when mountaineer G.Usukhbayar was climbing K2 Mountain last summer, he had to stop his voyage at 6,450 meters due to bad weather condition and problems with his guide. K2 is the highest point of the Karakoram Range and the highest point in both Pakistan and Xinjiang and known as the Savage Mountain due to the extreme difficulty of ascent.

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