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Broadcast 26,27-04-2024

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Local governance legal environment to be improved

Densmaa 2021-06-30 03:06

“Strengthening Representative Bodies in Mongolia” (SRBM) project jointly implemented by the Secretariat of the State Great Hural, the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for Develo

“Strengthening Representative Bodies in Mongolia” (SRBM) project jointly implemented by the Secretariat of the State Great Hural, the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in 2017-2021 held its virtual closing meeting on June 28. Over 120 delegates from the national and sub-national parliaments, the government, civil society organizations and academia attended the online discussion and shared their experiences with the project. SRBM project provided technical assistance for revising the Law on Administrative and Territorial Units and Their Governance (LATUG) to respond to the needs expressed by the local governments for an improved legal environment. As a result, the responsibilities of each level of the local government, namely aimag, soum, bag, the capital city, and districts, have been made more precise with more distinction based on the internationally recognized subsidiarity principle. According to the new revision of the law, the soums and districts will have increased tax revenues from personal income taxes, land fees, and real estate taxes previously administered by aimag and the central government. The project developed and distributed several model templates to provide input to local governments’ organizational development and effectiveness, including a standard session procedure and the checklist for compliance with the Law on General Administrative Procedure. As a result, opportunities for citizens and civil society organizations to participate in local decision-making have improved.

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