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Broadcast 01-05-2024

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Air search and rescue unit to begin operation in September

Densmaa 2021-08-17 04:08

Deputy Prime Minister Amarsaikhan checks the preparations for the establishment of new air search and rescue unit.

Deputy Prime Minister Amarsaikhan checks the preparations for the establishment of new air search and rescue unit. Under a financial agreement between the governments of Mongolia and the French Republic, Mongolia’s National Emergency Management Agency or NEMA and the French General Directorate for Civil Protection and Crisis Management are implementing the rescue unit project with a loan from the state fund of France. The Deputy Prime Minister underscored that the government of Mongolia is placing special emphasis on successfully and effectively implementing the project, instructing NEMA Chief to complete necessary preparations to begin the unit’s operation in September. As part of the project, an air operation unit is being created at NEMA and 12 helicopter pilots, 12 mechanics, and three emergency rescue doctors are undergoing training. Moreover, two Airbus helicopters fully equipped for air rescue and search missions and emergency health services, helicopter for flight training, and flight simulator were supplied from France. Another Airbus helicopter will be brought into the country in November.

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