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Broadcast 08-05-2024

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Uzbekistan to build a meat processing joint venture in Mongolia

Densmaa 2022-12-30 04:12

Uzbekistan has expressed interest in cooperation with Mongolia in agriculture sphere.

Uzbekistan has expressed interest in cooperation with Mongolia in agriculture sphere. In particular, the country is interested in establishing an intensive livestock farm and a meat processing joint venture in Mongolia. Mongolia exported 500 tons of meat to Uzbekistan in 10 months of this year, and Tashkent expressed desire to increase this volume. Tashkent is interested in importing halal meat from Ulaanbaatar, as well as exporting fruits, herbs and vegetables. Last year, Mongolia has reached a volume of meat exported of 29,300 tonnes but this figure is considered low compared to the total livestock at 66 million heads and a population of only 3 million. Officials from Ulaanbaatar have mentioned that they are targeting Japan and the Middle East region, particularly Iran, for meat exports, as the halal meat prices are getting higher. Separately, a Chinese investment firm is to invest $40 million in a complex that includes a meat-processing facility in Bayan Soum of Tuv Province. The complex will be built in three stages. Construction at the site is expected to start in June this year and the project will be completed by December 2021. The facility will have a processing capacity of 1 million heads of livestock.

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