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Broadcast 26,27-07-2024

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Child Protection Project to be Implemented

Densmaa 2023-01-20 04:01

The project “Improving Child protection in Cooperation with Schools”, funded by Save the Children, has started in western Khovd aimag.

The project “Improving Child protection in Cooperation with Schools”, funded by Save the Children, has started in western Khovd aimag. Save the Children Mongolia is going to implement this child protection project in cooperation with the Governor’s office of Khovd aimag for 3 years. The parties held a meeting and established the Memorandum of Understanding on January 18. In the framework of the project, two secondary schools are going to be selected and their teachers, students, parents, and child protection team members are going to be trained. In addition to the stage-by-stage empowering and influential activities and trainings, the best practices to support the learning and developing process of children in a non-violent way are promoted. Latest researches have shown that the number of cases of school children’s exposure to abuse negligence and discrimination had been increased. According to some studies, 20 percent of students considered their classroom as a dangerous place during break time, while 80 percent of students responded that they didn’t know to whom they should refer in case of peer bullying and pressure. Children hesitate to inform issues related to the violence at their school due to the fear of judgement and the lack of knowledge on child protection and their rights. Especially, for the children who live in dormitories, far away from their parents, it still has been a critical issue. Therefore, several trainings and activities are planned to help children develop problem solving skills to overcome obstacles and peer support skills. The expected results of the project include empowering the local stakeholders and creating a child protection mechanism in the direction of preventing violence against children, taking prompt responses, and rehabilitation.

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