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Broadcast 09-09-2024

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Mongolian hospital operates epilepsy surgery

Densmaa 2023-03-01 03:03

Central Third Hospital’s Surgical Team jointly operated the epilepsy surgery with foreign surgical teams.

State Central Third Hospital’s Surgical Team jointly operated the epilepsy surgery with foreign surgical teams last year. They have operated 14 surgeries for now. Furthermore, positive results for the patients recovering from surgery include decreased complications and reduced seizure cycle by 50-60 percent. Even, some of them reported that they have not had seizures after the surgeries. Generally, the average cost for epilepsy surgery is around 50,000-120,000 US dollars. Therefore, it’s not possible for all patients to go abroad and have surgery. Additionally, epilepsy surgery is brain surgery to stop or reduce the number of seizures you’re having or their severity.

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