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Broadcast 26,27-07-2024

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Minister of Foreign Affairs on Visit to the Republic of Slovenia

Densmaa 2023-05-16 03:05

At the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia B. Battsetseg is on a Visit

At the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia B. Battsetseg is on a Visit to the country on May 15-16. Within the framework of the Visit, the Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg will pay courtesy calls on the President and the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and hold official talks with Tanja Fajon, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs. Issues on enriching the relations and cooperation between Mongolia and Slovenia with trade and economic content and increasing the investment are expected to be covered during the meetings. As part of the Visit, Minister B. Battsetseg will attend the MLA (Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition) Diplomatic Conference, which is being held in Ljubljana, Slovenia between May 15 and 26, as an honored guest. Diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Slovenia were established on February 18th of 1993, marking the 30th anniversary this year. 

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