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Broadcast 26,27-07-2024

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Cooperation with KOICA in development projects discussed

Densmaa 2023-05-23 04:05

Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with the Acting President of KOICA Lee Yun-young.

Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with the Acting President of KOICA Lee Yun-young. Since the organization opened its office in Ulaanbaatar in 1995, it has implemented many projects that have contributed to the social and economic development of the city. During the meeting, Mayor D.Sumiyabazar gave a brief presentation on the construction, economic and business projects to be implemented in the capital. For example, he emphasized the construction of the New Ring Road and the LRT to reduce traffic congestion of the city. The parties emphasized the possibility of working together in three directions within the framework of future cooperation. For example, it will strengthen good governance, reduce traffic congestion, and implement green construction projects. In addition, they discussed cooperation in research, feasibility studies, work and technical design, localization of innovation, and introduction of technological solutions for large-scale construction in Ulaanbaatar. Acting President of KOICA Lee Yun-young noted, “KOICA was established in 1991. A total of 300 million USD projects were implemented in Mongolia. Among them, 10 sustainable development projects are currently being implemented. At the same time, 207 Mongolian staffs are being trained in the Republic of Korea.” "School Zone" project to ensure traffic safety in the vicinity of general education schools was selected for the first stage of the project proposal to be implemented by KOICA in 2024. Within the framework of this project, road signs, markings and road structures within a radius of 300 meters around the school will be improved to international standards, and a new management of transportation services for school students will be introduced. In this regard, the project includes the establishment of the "School Zone" around 16 general education schools in six districts of the capital.

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