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Broadcast 26,27-07-2024

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Emmanuel Macron Completes State Visit to Mongolia

Densmaa 2023-05-23 04:05

President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron has completed the State Visit to Mongolia.

President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron has completed the State Visit to Mongolia. Within the framework of the visit, the Presidents of Mongolia and France held official talks, and Mongolia and the Republic of France issued a Joint Declaration. Prime Minister of Mongolia Luvsandorj Oyun-Erdene paid a courtesy call on President of France Emmanuel Macron, and the Distinguished Guest concluded the State Visit by getting acquainted with the Chinggis Khaan Museum. Though short, this visit of the French President Emmanuel Macron is of special significance for the relations between the two countries. It was the first historic visit of the head of state of France to Mongolia.

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