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Broadcast 26,27-07-2024

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Mongolia and South Korea expand relations in Human Resources Management

Densmaa 2024-03-22 05:03

Minister of Mongolia and Head of the Cabinet Secretariat and Minister of Human Resources Management of the Republic of Korea held a meeting on 21 March 2024

Minister of Mongolia and Head of the Cabinet Secretariat and Minister of Human Resources Management of the Republic of Korea held a meeting on 21 March 2024, to exchange opinions on the issues of strengthening the relations and cooperation between the two countries, particularly the human resources management of the public service. At the meeting, the parties noted the successful cooperation between the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia and the Ministry of Human Resources Management of the Republic of Korea in strengthening human resources, training personnel, and specializing civil servants. Minister of Mongolia and Head of the Cabinet Secretariat emphasized that the Government of Mongolia is working on evaluating the public servants’ performances, improving their ethics, and tightening discipline, as reflected in its Action Plan 2020-2024. Head of the Cabinet Secretariat also expressed his eagerness to continue cooperation in sharing the South Korean experiences on embodying the merit system principles in civil service and heightening public servants’ discipline and accountability. During his visit to Mongolia, Minister of Human Resources Management of the Republic of Korea will pay a courtesy call on the Prime Minister of Mongolia and deliver public lectures under the topic "Development of the Republic of Korea and Civil Service" at the National University of Mongolia and "Civil Servants Capable of Leading National Development" at the Academy of Management.

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