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Broadcast 19-05-2024

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Khaan Quest exercise’s focus on humanitarian assistance operations

Odonchimeg 2016-05-24 09:05

Khaan Quest exercise’s focus on humanitarian assistance operations.

Annual Khaan Quest exercise’s focus on humanitarian assistance operations. A Mongolian-American team worked to build a school dormitory during an Engineering Civic Action Program project as part of Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise Khaan Quest 2016.  Also, military medical professionals from Canada, India, Mongolia, United States of America, Germany, and Republic of Korea are participating in the Health Services Support Engagement program and are providing a variety of health services to the local Mongolian. Joint construction operations have been running since 2006 and a number of schools, kindergartens, school dormitories and family hospital buildings were renovated and built anew in peri urban districts of Mongolian capital city. Since 2004, some 80 thousand residents throughout Mongolia received primary medical assistance and services in the scope of the health engagement program during KQ. Khaan Quest is an annual multinational peacekeeping operations exercise hosted by Mongolian Armed forces for the 14th time focusing on training activities to enhance international interoperability, develop peacekeeping capabilities, and it also aims on humanitarian assistance operations. This year’s khaan quest is the capstone exercise for the Global Peace Operations Initiative program with approximately 1,400 participants from more than 40 nations. 

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