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Broadcast 17,18-05-2024

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UNGA resolution entitled “Education for Democracy” is adopted at Mongolia’s initiative

Odonchimeg 2016-11-21 06:11

UNGA resolution entitled “Education for Democracy” is adopted at Mongolia’s initiative.

UNGA resolution entitled “Education for Democracy” is adopted at Mongolia’s initiative. The resolution has been unanimously adopted at the plenary meeting of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, at the initiative of Mongolia. Through the resolution, Mongolia recognized education’s key role in development, peace, tolerance, human fulfillment and sustainable development and reaffirmed the fundamental link between democratic governance, peace and development and the promotion and protection of all human rights.  The resolution contains updated languages on encouraging Member States and national, regional and local education authorities to integrate education for democracy - along with civic, human rights and sustainable development education - into their curricula, to strengthen programs aimed at promotion of democratic values and to engage civil society, academia, the private sector, funds and other stakeholders including the United Nations. The resolution entitled Education for Democracy has received a wide co-sponsorship of more than forty countries from various regions. 

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