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Broadcast 16-05-2024

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Mongolian government and development partners meeting to be held

Odonchimeg 2016-12-05 09:12

The consultative meeting between the government of Mongolia and its development partners will take place in Ulaanbaatar on December 2016.

Mongolian government to hold consultative meeting with development partners. Consultative meeting between the government of Mongolia and its development partners will take place in Ulaanbaatar on December 2016. The meeting will attract the nation's Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, related officials, heads of diplomatic missions and representatives of the World Bank, IMF, international banking and financial organizations. The meeting aims to present the Mongolia's Sustainable Development Concept until 2030 and the government's action plan, as well as to hold discussions on possible cooperation within the sustainable development goals. Three main topics such as the stability and prospects of Mongolian economy, development policy and priorities and pillar sectors for sustainable growth will be addressed.  

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