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Broadcast 02-05-2024

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Mongolia considers reestablishment of internal troops

Oyundelger 2017-01-04 01:01

The Mongolian government has backed the Law on Internal Troops which was presented by the Ministry of Justice and Domestic Affairs.

Mongolia considers reestablishment of internal troops. The Mongolian government has backed the Law on Internal Troops which was presented by the Ministry of Justice and Domestic Affairs. In case if the law is approved by the State Great Khural, the internal troops will be re-established. Adopted in 1995, the Law on Internal Troops was repealed in 2013 after the State Great Khural approved the Law of Police. Subsequently, the units of Internal Troops were phased out and their functions were transferred to the police and border troops in 2014. The special functions of the Internal Troops include the protection of state and public property, dealing with public chaos, including protecting of people and state property in times of civil disorder, conducting special operations against terror attacks, and enforcing quarantines during natural calamities, disasters, wildfires and outbreaks of epidemic diseases effecting humans and animals. The Internal Troops were originally formed in 1922, with over ten divisions, by order of the Mongolian General Military Commission under name of ‘Special Squad’.  

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