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Broadcast 18-04-2024

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New paved road in most northern region is believed to boost tourism

Oyundelger 2019-01-09 01:01

Within the ‘Blue Pearl’ program, construction work of paved road from Khatgal Village to Khankh soum of most northern Khuvsgul province will begin in 2019 with funding of USD 20 million from the Asian

Within the ‘Blue Pearl’ program, construction work of paved road from Khatgal Village to Khankh soum of most northern Khuvsgul province will begin in 2019 with funding of USD 20 million from the Asian Development Bank. By connecting the tourism attracting two villages through paved road, not only citizens will travel on safe road, also, condition to boost tourism will be improved. Also number of tourists come from the Russian Federation to Khuvsgul Lake will be increased. Additionally, a bill on Protection of Khuvsgul Lake has been completed to be formulated and is expected to be submitted to the Parliament this spring. If the law is adopted, financing for protection of Khuvsgul Lake will be reflected in the state budget annually.


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