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Broadcast 22-04-2024

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Workers in health sector to be promoted with social welfare

Oyundelger 2019-05-16 04:05

The Government approved the National Program ‘Social Protection of health workers’.

The Government approved the National Program ‘Social Protection of health workers’. The program reflects 46 actions in four directions including improving working environment and conditions and protecting their health; to continuously improving their skills; increasing actual income and raising motivation to work; and supporting evidence-based decision making on the social protection and expanding collaboration of the parties. Within the program that will be implemented in 2019-2023, stage by stage measures will be taken in regard with solving issues of housing, working conditions, training and labor safety of workers of health sector. In Mongolia, there are over 52 thousand health workers, of whom 93 percent work in health sector. Of total health workers, 82 percent are women.

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