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Broadcast 23-04-2023

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Intergovernmental road transport agreement established with Lithuania

Oyundelger 2019-06-12 05:06

Mongolia’s Ministry of Road and Transport Development and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania signed the agreement.

Mongolia’s Ministry of Road and Transport Development and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania signed the agreement on international transport of passengers and goods by road. The purpose of the agreement is to create a legal framework for facilitating trade and transport, coordinating transport types, promoting cooperation in road transport and jointly implementing international standards and recommendations. Since 1993, Mongolia has established intergovernmental agreements on international road transport with Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, DPRK, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Latvia, and Hungary. The Ministry of Road and Transport Development pays much attention on developing international road transport, facilitating trade and border and customs control, as well as expanding external cooperation.

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