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Broadcast 24-04-2024

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Four charter flights to be organized in December

Densmaa 2020-12-16 01:12

As of today, over 3,800 citizens have submitted their requests to return home.

 As of today, over 3,800 citizens have submitted their requests to return home, of which around 3,300 are in the Republic of Korea, 250 in European countries, 150 in the United States, and 100 in Australia. In December, one charter flight will be conducted in Tokyo, one to Seoul, and two to Frankfurt.


Also, rural citizens stuck in Ulaanbaatar will be sent home between 6 AM December 14 and 6 PM December 18. They are required to take a PCR test before returning.


Travel from Ulaanbaatar to provinces and soums will be restricted until December 24. Transporters of food, fuel, fodder, medication, and medical equipment, and citizens on essential travel including funeral attendance and business trips will be allowed to travel based on their PCR test results within that period. Citizens arriving from provinces and soums without COVID-19 cases will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Those coming from COVID-19 affected areas will have to be tested for COVID-19 before arrival.    

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