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Broadcast 24-04-2024

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Child protection activities to be increased in Mongolia

Densmaa 2021-08-24 05:08

UNBOUND Mongolia non-governmental organization signed a long-term cooperation agreement with World Vision Mongolia within the Child Protection Compact project.

UNBOUND Mongolia non-governmental organization signed a long-term cooperation agreement with World Vision Mongolia within the Child Protection Compact project. Through the agreement, UNBOUND Mongolia non-governmental organization will be carried out activities strengthening Mongolian government and non-government organizations’ capacity to identify victims of child trafficking and to provide comprehensive specialized services to victims of child labor and child trafficking. Also, the organization will be performed different activities increasing public awareness of the risks of children becoming human trafficking victims and strengthening the capacity of the government, private sector and civil society organizations for prevention. In the framework of the Child Protection Compact Partnership signed between governments of the Mongolia and United States of America, World Vision Mongolia and the Asia Foundation Mongolia is being co-implemented the project.   

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