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Broadcast 16-04-2024

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Tree transplanting was banned in Mongolia

Densmaa 2022-10-18 03:10

Ministry of Environment and Tourism banned transplanting young trees from the forest until 1 January, 2030.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism banned transplanting young trees from the forest until 1 January, 2030. Anyone who cut or transplants young trees from forest will be fined. Regarding the issues, Mongolia has announced a national campaign to plant “Billion Trees” as part of a global green revolution to combat global warming and reduce the impact of climate change. Currently, 80% of Mongolian land has been affected by desertification. In order to achieve ‘Billion Trees’ goal, Mongolia needs to plant 150 million seeds every year between 2022 and 2030. Within the framework of the “Billion Trees” national movement, a total of 120 million trees will be planted and grown in the capital city. However, many people are transplanting trees from the forest rather than planting new seeds. There are no guarantees that a tree will survive being removed from one location and transplanted elsewhere. Furthermore tree transplanting method can destroy forest eco system. As of 2020, Mongolia has woods in 18321 hectares of area or 11.7 percent of Mongolian land; 7.9 percent of these are forest.

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