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Broadcast 24-04-2024

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Women discuss “Green Labelling and Green Financing” in Mongolia

Densmaa 2022-11-01 04:11

The “Green labelling and Green financing” conference was hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism

The “Green labelling and Green financing” conference was hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the EU-Switch Asia financed new project “Switching on the Green Economy”, implemented by People in Need. More than 300 women working in SMEs and businesses gathered to discuss green labelling and financing – vital tools to realize sustainable production and consumption in Mongolia. The Switching On the Green Economy project aims to support 1,500 agri-food and beverage MSMEs, 30 agri-food and beverage business associations (BA), and 750 retailers in adopting circular economy practices through a market-based eco-labelling system. Also, at the centre of the project, is supporting women-led SMEs who often lead the way when it comes to clean, safe, and environmentally friendly business practices. Mongolia has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7% over the next eight years. The “Green labelling and Green financing” conference is a critical learning opportunity for the Switching On the Green Economy project, funded by EU Switch Asia, as the women-led businesses are vital part to achieve the project goals, advance sustainable consumption and production and address climate change.

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