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Broadcast 15-04-2024

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Mongolia and Canada to cooperate in the field of education and science

Densmaa 2022-11-30 04:11

`Declaration of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science and the University of British Columbia, Canada` was signed

`Declaration of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science and the University of British Columbia, Canada` was signed by Mr. Ariunbold, Ambassador, and Dr. Rumee Ahmed, Vice-Provost, International, pro tem of the University of British Columbia. Within the frame of the cooperation, the Ministry of Education and Science informed that there is a possibility to implement development programs for teachers and forestry specialists, to create professional training programs in the fields of information technology, artificial intelligence, engineering, and data science, to exchange teachers, researchers, and students, and to conduct a joint study. The two sides agreed to work for intensifying the cooperation mentioned in the document as well as creating opportunities for future students to study at the University of British Columbia within the frame of the President's Message-2100 and the scholarship programs of the Prime Minister. Furthermore, the Ambassador met with the Deputy of the Forestry Department and discussed joint study, capacity building, and policy planning within the frame of the implementation of the Billion trees national movement initiated by the Mongolian President.    

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