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Broadcast 25-04-2024

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Students Lead Discussion on Sustainable Development Education at National Forum

Densmaa 2023-05-29 05:05

The National Forum "Joint Initiative and Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development-2023" commenced

The National Forum "Joint Initiative and Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development-2023" commenced with an atypical opening as students from participating schools took the stage to deliver greetings and pose questions to government representatives and guests. Students from the "Erdmiin Urgoo" complex school in Ulaanbaatar actively participated as panelists, sharing their three-year project experience and engaging in a dialogue on the importance of education for sustainable development. The forum also highlighted the importance of student participation, the involvement of decision-makers, and government engagement in promoting sustainable development. The event consisted of the "Today's Call for the Future: Teenagers' Forum" in the morning and discussions on the results and future goals of the ESD-II project in the afternoon. Approximately 300-350 attendees, including management staff, teachers, students from 30 model schools, representatives from aimags and districts, international donor organizations, private sector representatives, and government officials from relevant ministries, participated in the forum. The students directly benefiting from the project presented their ideas for enhancing opportunities in education for sustainable development and submitted proposals to policymakers. Overall, the forum highlighted the active involvement of young people in creating an eco-friendly environment and fostering a sustainable future.

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